You Can Help This Sioux Falls Family Cure Daughter’s Rare Disease, Friedreich’s Ataxia
Every parent has that protective instinct to watch over, and want the best for their child.
When my brother showed me Daniel Brendtro's video over the weekend, I knew as a community we could rally around his daughter, and everyone with Friedreich's Ataxia.
Dan Brendtro’s daughter has a rare genetic disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia.
Through a lucky series of connections, Dan Brendtro discovered that there was a half-finished research study over at Sanford’s Research laboratory, which had been sitting in a drawer, just waiting for more funding.
Dan Brendtro is now crowdfunding the budget needed to re-start that study.
The crowdfunding goal is $75,000 and at the writing of this story over $39,000 has already been raised.
With $75,000, they will immediately fund a half-finished research study for curing Friedreich's Ataxia.
As an FA parent, I know that we are in a race against the clock to find a cure before it is too late. I feel it every day. This study shows genuine promise, based on fascinating new science. I am fully on-board and donating my own money.
Would you consider investing, too?
-Dan Brendtro
The study ran out of funding five years ago, and has been overlooked ever since. This is where we can rally together to finish funding the study.
The disease we are trying to cure is called Friedreich's Ataxia, or “FA.” It is an aggressive disease with no known cure or treatment. It affects about 4,000 people nationwide, including my 16-year-old daughter, Raena.
In simplest terms, FA is a genetically-linked protein deficiency that attacks nerve and heart cells. Typically, FA patients will require a wheelchair before high school graduation, and suffer from teenage-onset heart disease. Mortality often occurs in their 20’s.
-Dan Brendtro
"Raena's dreams include writing and acting, which are becoming progressively harder each month. The disease is slowly robbing her ability to walk and to use her hands, and it leaves her fatigued. Let’s chip in and help fund this study, and move her closer to a cure.”
You can contribute via through the campaign page at
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