Where Does South Dakota Rank in Terms of Employees Saying ‘I Quit?’
There is no denying the COVID-19 pandemic has changed so many aspects of our daily lives.
One of the most apparent changes has to be the way it has impacted the workforce in this country. Think about it, right after the pandemic began in March of 2020, we went from record high unemployment as countless numbers of non-essential businesses either closed or shortened their hours of operation. Forcing employers to start laying off large numbers of workers. Those who managed to keep a job, saw their normal work routines change dramatically. Many of us began to work remotely from home and still do to this day.
Now as we flash forward almost two years, the pandemic is still with us, but the country in terms of its workforce is ramping up once again. Sure it might not exactly resemble the pre-pandemic labor force, but there are large numbers of jobs available for those who want to work.

The problem many employers are facing right now is the competition is fierce for businesses looking to hire employees. Prospective employees are holding out for better, higher-paying jobs and are not in a rush to take the first gig that is offered.
Consequently, we see employee shortages in a number of different sectors throughout the country. One of the biggest has to be the foodservice industry. I mean who hasn't walked into a restaurant lately to grab a bite, and ended up having to wait for an extended period of time to get seated. How many times have you scanned the room, only to see plenty of tables open, yet you are still forced to wait. What's the big holdup? There aren't enough workers on duty to keep up with all the patrons.
Because the competition between employers is so fierce at the moment, another big hitch in the workforce giddy-up is more and more people are saying "I quit" because they've found a better paying job somewhere else down the street.
A company called WalletHub recently conducted a study of the highest job resignation rates throughout the country. They looked at data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia regarding how often people are leaving their places of employment.
The results showed that South Dakota has a relatively low resignation rate. The workforce in this state must be extremely tolerant, have low job expectations, or we are simply a state populated with workers who are satisfied with their salaries.
South Dakota ranked 36th in the nation in terms of job resignations. States like Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota were even lower.
That is not the case up north, however. Our friends in the other Dakota have had one of the countries highest resignation rates over the past year. According to WalletHub's findings, North Dakota currently has the 6th highest number of people in the nation telling their employers to "Take This Job and Shove It", I ain't working here no more!
By the sounds of it, I'm guessing there is no shortage of "Now Hiring" signs up north in the Peace Garden State.
Need a job? That might be a good place to start looking. FYI...you're gonna need a really warm coat!
Source: WalletHub
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