Want to Look Younger? Certain Sleeping Positions Could Keep You Healthier
What if the position you sleep in could lower the chances of you developing Alzheimer's disease or even help you stay looking younger longer? Experts have taken a look at the four most common sleeping positions and have started noticing certain patterns - both good and bad.
Source: news.com.au
See Also:
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Sleeping On Your Left Side
If you suffer from heartburn, sleeping on your left side is the best position. According to The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, sleepers that favor their left side have less acid reflux symptoms. Pregnant moms can also train themselves to lay on their left side which helps to relieve the pressure of the uterus on their liver.
But researchers have also found that people that sleep on their left side tend to have more nightmares. A survey showed that 41 percent of left side sleepers experienced bad dreams, while only 15 percent of those who are right side sleepers had nightmares.
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Sleeping On Your Right Side
According to the Stony Brook University, right side sleepers have a reduced chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease. The study done by this university in New York believes that lying on the right side helps to clear waste from the brain, which makes the development of neurological diseases less likely. Doctors also believe that sleepers with high blood pressure should sleep on their right side. It gives the heart, which is in the left of your chest, more room, which could lower blood pressure.
The downside of being a right side sleeper, according to the bed maker Sealy, is you will have a seven percent higher chance of waking up in a bad mood. Experts also believe that pregnant women who sleep on their right side have restricted blood flow, posing risk to their baby.
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Sleeping On Your Stomach
Sleepers on their stomach are sleeping in the "free fall" position. Experts believe that these sleepers have a greater chance of having dreams that are a bit more "romantic and steamy". This style of sleep does restrict the breathing, but can also contribute to the sleeper having dreams about having a secret admirer.
A downfall of being a "free fall" sleeper is back and neck problems, headaches, pinched nerves and extra tension in the body at a time when you should be relaxed.
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Sleeping On Your Back
If you are concerned about getting "beauty sleep", then sleeping on your back is the way to go. Back sleepers don't have to worry about their faces rubbing on their pillows, often times clogging pores and causing blemishes. Dermatologists also believe that by not pressing your face onto that same pillow for six to eight hours at a time, sleepers are less likely to develop wrinkles.
But a back sleepers beauty sleep could be cut short however because of an obstructed airway. According to the British Snoring and Sleeping Apnea Foundation, back sleepers are more likely to snore because of gravity affecting the airway.