Walk to Prevent Suicide This Sunday in Harrisburg
Volunteers from Harrisburg, South Dakota are joining the quarter of a million people who are walking in communities across the United States to draw attention to the fight for suicide prevention.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, yet suicide can be prevented.
Families who have lost someone to suicide are left with many unanswered heartbreaking questions. Could I have done something? How could I have known? How could I have helped?
Harrisburg, South Dakota Out of the Darkness Campus Walk
The first annual Harrisburg SD Out of the Darkness Campus Walk, hosted by the AFSP South Dakota Chapter will be held at 1:00 pm, on Sunday, May 1st at Tiger Stadium at Harrisburg High School (Map). This walk supports the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s education and support programs and its bold goal to reduce the annual U.S. rate of suicide by 20 percent by the year 2025.
The event was brought together by Lance Smith and a host of volunteers.
“Suicide touches one in five American families. We hope that by walking we will draw attention to this issue and keep other families from experiencing a suicide loss. Our ultimate goal is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide." ~ Lance Smith, Harrisburg Out of the Darkness Campus Walk Chair.
The volunteer walk committee hopes to raise over $10,000 to support AFSP’s mission.
For easy online registration or to donate, please visit the Harrisburg Campus Walk website.
Strollers and wagons are welcome but no pets, please. You can help promote the event through your social media accounts! Use #HopeWalksHere and #OutoftheDarkness
Thoughts of suicide? Call: 800-273-8255 / Text: 741741

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