Thousands of believers are flocking to a church in New Mexico to see a statue of the Virgin Mary weep, what parishioners claim, are real tears.

The statue was first seen crying tears during services on Sunday May 20. Since then believers have been flocking to the church claiming it's nothing short of a miracle.

The Mexican foundry that created the bronze statue is baffled like everyone else by the phenomenon and has no explanation - calling it "an act of God."

The statue currently is on-loan to the church, but officials hope they can work out an arrangement to keep the statue at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church permanently.

In the meantime, the Arch Diocese there in New Mexico has begun investigating the phenomenon saying they're treating it, "in a very scientific way."

One of the ways they've been preserving the evidence is by soaking up the tears with cotton-balls to be analyzed more closely at a later date.

Source: KRQE-TV

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