The Three Sure Signs You Grew Up In South Dakota
Is there a better state to grow up in than South Dakota? In a one word answer, no.
It doesn't matter if you grew up West River or East River, a big town, a small community or maybe on the farm or ranch, one things for certain:
Its all great.
And for those of us who didn't grow up in South Dakota, but have spent a large majority of your life here, hey...don't look down on us for claiming to be a South Dakotan!
But what is a sure sign that you, yes YOU, grew up in South Dakota? Well, I'da thought that gazing up at Mt. Rushmore would surely have been a sure sign.
But according to Good House Keeping there are 3 sure signs that you grew up in South Dakota, and Mt. Rushmore isn't mentioned in any of 'em.
They are:
1) You've been to the Corn Palace and Wall Drug. (OK, yep, been there, done that. In fact, I did play-by-play of my first High School basketball game at the Corn Palace. When? Well, I'd just say the players wore a lot shorter shorts than they do now! Oh, and of course, how can you pass up free ice water and a look at the Jackalope at Wall Drug?)
2) You hate the fact you can't find Hot Beef or Chislic on an out-of-state menu. (Ahhh...is there anything better than a Hot Beef at a small South Dakota town Cafe? Maybe but...wait...nope there isn't. And a couple pieces of Chislic at the county fair is a must!)
3) You don't mind driving a long way, but you hate traffic! (Yep, so what if it's a fer piece from Aberdeen to Yankton, or Faith to Milbank, the scenery is beautiful! Oh, and yeah...5:00 P.M. traffic in Sioux Falls is the South Dakota version of a traffic jam)
So if you happen to live in Georgia or New Mexico, New York or Louisiana and you miss Chislic...or wonder what the mural's look like on the Corn Palace this year...or are thirsty for the free ice water at Wall Drug, well you probably 'Grew Up A South Dakotan!