This Year’s Nasty Little Flu Bug Could Last Up To 3 Weeks. What the Experts Are Recommending.
The flu doesn't garner the same concern as Ebola in the headlines, but experts are warning that this flu season could be a tough one. Early indicators include the increase in flu cases in the southern hemisphere, which is usually a pretty good indication as to what's coming to the northern hemisphere as the seasons change.
Flu season has begun and typically lasts till April. With kids back in school and people spending more time indoors, when the "flu bug" hits, it's usually quite quickly.
This years strain looks to be a nasty little bug, too.
Doctors say they have an early look at this year's flu strain.
It starts off with a fever, sneezing, painful coughs and sore throat. As the virus gains a hold inside the respiratory tract, the body reacts with an inflammatory response. This results in muscle aches, flared joints and problems with the gastrointestinal system leading to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The battle can take upwards of three weeks to win and leave any victim drained from the ordeal. - The Globe and Mail Health Editors
The CDC is also recommending a flu shot for those over 6 months of age. In 2013, slightly less than half of the American public received a vaccination against the flu. Perhaps we should take a cue from the country's 72% of health care workers who get vaccinated yearly...and climbing.
Whether you agree or disagree with getting a flu shot, health experts agree - you have a good chance of preventing the three-week deluge of symptoms.
The Sioux Falls School District is offering flu shots to all students. Here's the information on the 2014-15 Flu Season and Flu Shot Clinic Information for ages 6 months to age 18.
You can also see an interactive map on where the flu is spreading in South Dakota.