I just found out some things I didn't know about Costco's signature $4.99 rotisserie chickens. I'm a fan. They are delicious. If you've ever walked to the back of a Costco store to pick one of these up, did you know they put them back there for a reason?

According to CNN Business Costco makes its popular rotisserie chickens available in the back of the store, so you have to walk past aisles of tempting stuff. The hope is of course that you'll stack more stuff in your cart before checking out.

Some other interesting facts CNN Biz shared:

  • Costco has been offering their chickens at the $4.99 since 2009. And at that price in 2019 they are actually losing money. But they are willing to do so to keep you coming back for more.
  • Costco has been having a hard time getting enough 6 pound birds to supply all their needs. 6 pounders are the size they have to have to fit in the rotisserie machines. No smaller. No bigger.
  • Costco is building a giant poultry complex in Fremont, Nebraska to fill their needs. They will hatch, raise, and process their own birds. They picked Nebraska because of the availability of grain, water, and labor.


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