The Best Commercial on TV? Watch as Kenny Rogers Plays Poker
The NFL season kicked off last night, and I wasn't anticipating that I would be laughing as much at a commercial as I did.
Typically I'm a guy that's just a little bit behind on social trends. I never saw this one around, and saw the commercial for the first time last night. It's actually been out for a couple of months.
Regardless, the creative team for Geico is among the best in the world. The same company has brought us the ever popular hump day camel, Maxwell the Pig, Ickey Woods dancing over cold cuts, and showing how Pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker. Now, the masterminds have brought us Kenny Rogers.
Why didn't I ever think of this? This was just too easy for the company. Watch as Kenny Rogers and Geico wins my award for commercial victory in the NFL debut.
Rogers at a poker game. Brilliant. Thank you Geico and Kenny for the laugh.