Who’s That Guy in the Domino’s Commercial?Who’s That Guy in the Domino’s Commercial?These commercials always make me smile, but I kept wondering, "who's the kid with all the hair?". So today I found out.Patty DeePatty Dee
As-Seen-On TV Ads Making Me Crazy!As-Seen-On TV Ads Making Me Crazy!It is hard to escape commercials for these wacky "as-seen-on TV" inventions.Patty DeePatty Dee
Sometimes I Just Don’t Get the JokeSometimes I Just Don’t Get the JokeI don't know how this one got past me, but it did!Patty DeePatty Dee
Remember Mr. Whipple? How About the Quicker-Picker-Upper? And Those Spicy Meatballs? Here’s The Iconic Commercials You Grew Up WithRemember Mr. Whipple? How About the Quicker-Picker-Upper? And Those Spicy Meatballs? Here’s The Iconic Commercials You Grew Up WithFrom Mr. Whipple to Mean Joe Greene drinking Coke to 'the quicker-picker-upper', these are the TV commercials we grew up with.Randy McDanielRandy McDaniel