What Ever Happened To The Sioux Falls Party Tractor? What Ever Happened To The Sioux Falls Party Tractor? The popular SuFu Tractor has not been seen at all this summer and residents are taking notice.Christine ManikaChristine Manika
Iowa Man Dies In Tragic Tractor AccidentIowa Man Dies In Tragic Tractor AccidentIt’s never easy to see a member of the community has passed away, especially when it is in a work-related accident.Kailey FosterKailey Foster
Sioux Falls’ Newest Party Destination…A Tractor!Sioux Falls’ Newest Party Destination…A Tractor!Are you ready to party Sioux Falls? #Get2Gettin! Christine ManikaChristine Manika
John Deere Self-Driving Tractor Coming Later This YearJohn Deere Self-Driving Tractor Coming Later This YearThe future of farming from John Deere will be released later this year.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Sexy Tractor of the DaySexy Tractor of the Day"Dammit Gerald, I told you not to take the corner too fast." Sexy Tractor of the Day will now be called 'Tippy'.Dan CollinsDan Collins
Big Green Tractor ParodyBig Green Tractor ParodyDo you recognize this song? It sounds like Jason Aldean's 'Big Green Tractor'...well, kind of.TammyTammy
Sexy Tractor Sexy Tractor A little mud never stopped a sexy tractor in the field. I said a little...this is apparently way too much.Dan CollinsDan Collins
Sexy Tractor of the DaySexy Tractor of the DayI've got a bad CASE of lovin' ewes. Okay...this sweet tractor was found on a farmDan CollinsDan Collins
Sexy TractorSexy TractorThese tractors were spotted at the Teapot Days parade on Saturday. And yes...they are indeed sexy! PHOTOSDan CollinsDan Collins
Sexy TractorSexy TractorThis is Austin Miller proposing to his beautiful fiancee in a field near Ethan, SD. By the look on her face, I'm pretty sure she said "yes!" Bonus: a sweet tractor in the background.Dan CollinsDan Collins