8th Annual Kilts for Kids Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser8th Annual Kilts for Kids Ronald McDonald House FundraiserOur friend Todd Heitkamp isn't just wearing a kilt because he likes it, (which he does) but to raise funds for our local Ronald McDonald Houses.Patty DeePatty Dee
Remedy Brewery’s Oktoberfest to Benefit Ronald McDonald HouseRemedy Brewery’s Oktoberfest to Benefit Ronald McDonald HouseThe Oktoberfest celebrations kick off this weekend already in Sioux Falls. Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
Bubble Parade!Bubble Parade!Bubbles have been a fan favorite of my daughter and our bulldog. This Friday a parade of bubbles will fill the skies of our city, and it's for a good cause. TravTrav
March Madness In MarionMarch Madness In MarionMarch Madness is coming to Marion, South Dakota, in the form of the 'Dairyland Donkey Basketball Show'!TammyTammy