
Enough With the Rain?
Enough With the Rain?
Enough With the Rain?
You might remember when state tourism promoters called South Dakota the "Land of Infinite Variety." Once again, I've got your "infinite variety" right here. We're one year removed from a drought, but this year, it would seem we've gone the other way, at least so far...
Rain Rain Rain!
Rain Rain Rain!
Rain Rain Rain!
If you thought we have picked up more rain in the Sioux Empire than all last summer, you're right! (Pic by Sprint Sioux Falls)
Finally a Little Rain
Finally a Little Rain
Finally a Little Rain
Ok, who washed their car?  That was the question running through my mind when I woke up early this morning and saw the unfamiliar sight of pavement shining under the streetlights.  Finally a little rain! I've been waiting.  Lawns have been waiting...