
It's New Stuff Tuesday
It's New Stuff Tuesday
It's New Stuff Tuesday
Friday and Saturday are usually everyone’s favorite days of the week. But knowing that there is something NEW to put on your shelves on Tuesdays could change your mind!
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Noah’ and Russell Crowe Flood ‘Sabotage’ and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Noah’ and Russell Crowe Flood ‘Sabotage’ and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Noah’ and Russell Crowe Flood ‘Sabotage’ and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Insert your own "when it rains, it pours" joke right here. Darren Aronofsky's instantly controversial biblical epic 'Noah' overcame mixed buzz to win the box office this weekend, catering to both religious audiences and film buffs who like weird movies from unique, picky directors. But all was not well for everyone -- the latest film from a certain Hollywood action legend got washed away
‘Noah’ Review
‘Noah’ Review
‘Noah’ Review
The story of Noah as it is written in the King James Bible is about three pages. If you want to Google it, read it, then come back to this you can go ahead. I'll wait here as I continue to stream some of Clint Mansell's spooky and enthralling score to the new Darren Aronofsky film starring Russell Crowe. Back? Yeah, so, not a whole heck of a lot there. But did you catch the tiny references to thin