Every Man's Worst Nightmare... The Groin Shot
Ah yes, the dreaded hit to the family jewels. It's the kind of pain that instantly turns a grown man into a crumpled heap, grasping at life and dignity.
The Pain
Imagine someone tapping on a bruise
If it seems like we are hearing about more and more tornadoes in the Midwest each year, that's because we are. This increase in severe weather has led meteorological experts to redefine the area known as Tornado Alley, which continues to grow and is shifting into new areas of the country.
Intrigued by an old abandoned farmhouse in the countryside, a woman pulled over for a few photos and discovered what appears to be a spirit in the window.
Governor Matt Bevin has confirmed that one person has been killed while several others have been wounded in a Tuesday morning shooting at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky.