
Harvest Progress for South Dakota
Harvest Progress for South Dakota
Harvest Progress for South Dakota
South Dakota farmers made little progress on the late-season harvest in the past week due to bad weather. We had over a week of solid rain. And after the rain finally stopped, before any drying conditions, we got three inches of snow. The federal Agriculture Department in its weekly crop report says less than a full day was considered suitable for fieldwork...
South Dakota GoPro Harvest [VIDEO]
South Dakota GoPro Harvest [VIDEO]
South Dakota GoPro Harvest [VIDEO]
His name is Doug Koenig.  I've never met the guy, but I love his perspective. I dig his feel for South Dakota, his love for farming and his view from up above with the GoPro camera. Harvest is such an awesome time of the year.  Doug's video shows just how neat it can be...

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