Surprise! There Is A 3rd Sioux Falls Candidate For Mayor
The 2022 City Election for Sioux Falls is really starting to pick up speed for the mayor of Sioux Falls.
This week a new Sioux Falls candidate for mayor emerged in the city. Immigration attorney and co-founder of SD Voices for Peace and SD Voices for Justice, Taneeza Islam will face Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken who announced his re-election campaign last month.
It seems pretty common to only have two candidates running for the mayor of Sioux Falls, right? Well, surprise! There appears to be a third candidate running for mayor. At least all signs are pointing in that direction.

His name...David Zokaites. Most Sioux Falls residents are familiar with this name. From the looks of his Twitter profile and his website, I think it is safe to say that we can expect David Zokaites' name on the ballot.
So who is David Zokaites, and why is he running for an official office in Sioux Falls? There is actually an audio file of a song on David's website that explains to future voters why he is running for mayor.
According to David's website, some issues that David wants to tackle if he wins the upcoming election include creating a safer city, caring for the environment, and "realistic spending."
This is also not the first time that David Zokaites has run for the position of the mayor of Sioux Falls. David ran for the top spot during the 2018 City Election. He was known for publishing "interesting" videos during his campaign.
No matter who you're supporting, don't forget to vote on Tuesday, April 12th! This is your time to exerciseyour voice and have a say in our city's government.
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