South Dakota Hunting and Fishing Licenses Expire February 1
It never fails. It happens on a weekend I plan to do some coyote hunting. My license expires and I end up buying it on my phone out in a field because I forgot. But this year I didn't forget.
If you have a small game license or fishing license in South Dakota from the 2020 season you will need to renew that before heading back out into the field or onto the ice or water.
It's not at all complicated. Go to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks website and click on licenses and then purchase a license. Pick out your choice or choices for your small game license or any other tags you want to apply for that are open, and then check out.
You'll also be required to purchase the $10 habitat stamp that went into effect last year.
For the first time ever, I think, I already renewed my license for 2021. What I did do that wasn't available when I renewed it, I was applying for my spring turkey tag. Applications for that season are open now. The spring prairie turkey season runs from April 10 until May 31 of 2021.
It just so happens that while, yes, I am going coyote hunting this weekend, I did not need my license to do it. I'm going to attempt to call in some coyotes with my nephew in west-central Minnesota. You don't need a license of any kind, resident or nonresident, to hunt coyotes in the land of ten thousand lakes. In South Dakota, you only need a varmint/predator license for $5, but you are still required to buy that habitat stamp. Any other hunting license is South Dakota also grants you the right to take coyotes.

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