Sioux Falls Mayors 2019 Budget Proposal is over $498M
On Tuesday Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken revealed his budget for the coming year. In his address to the city, TenHaken has proposed the largest annual budget for Sioux Falls at over $498 Million.
The mayor focused his planning on the addition of 17 new full-time employees plus an increase in pay for city employees. Putting the Sioux Falls Police Department at the forefront TenHaken is asking to add five officers and one new sergeant.
So what services does $498,272,937 buy if you're a Sioux Falls resident? Here's the breakdown for the 2019 budget:
- $18,301,861 General Government
- $70,255,934 Public Safety
- $84,501,512 Highways & Streets
- $13,439,738 Public Health/Health Department
- $44,523,130 Culture & Recreation
- $21,233,881 Urban & Economic Development
- $9,444,401 Transit
- $126,411,825 Enterprise Funds
- $45,804,520 Internal Service Funds
- $39,400,300 Pension Trust Funds
- $16,843,917 Tax Supported Debt Services
- $8,111,918 Transfers
$498,272,937 Total 2019 Budget
Here are the finer details of the proposed budget for the city of Sioux Falls spelled out in the mayor’s budget.
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