Sioux Falls Development Foundation 2019 Outlook
Sioux Falls has had six straight years of record setting construction activity. That according to the Sioux Falls Development Foundation. Moving forward that will continue.
In report from the Sioux Falls Development Foundation staffers have developed a plan to continue the momentum in 2019 with a renewed focus on attraction, retention and expansion of both business and workforce. The Development Foundation’s strategic priorities include property tax and quality job growth, talent attraction and workforce development, and a renewed focus on brand and image enhancement.
Some of the areas driving the growth are land sales in Foundation Park, Campus Crossing and Sioux Empire Development Park 8.
Another key element of the action plan for 2019 is developing an external marketing campaign and recruitment strategy aimed at regional universities, community colleges and tech schools, creating pipelines of talent from targeted institutions.
Since 1954, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation (SFDF) has been leading the way in creating one of the most vibrant, secure, and growing economies in the nation.