Sioux Falls Dad Set to Run NYC Marathon for Funds and Awareness
Every parent has that protective instinct and wants the best for their children.
Dan Brendtro’s daughter has a rare genetic disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia and he is on a mission to raise awareness and funds.
From Dan's Facebook age:
I'm running the NYC Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 4th! A group of us (including my cousin Angie Roth) are running to raise money and raise awareness for Friedreich's Ataxia. If you can spare a dime or two, we would appreciate it. There's no doubt about it: Money cures disease. More dimes = More science = Closer to the finish line. Can you help?
If you would like to be a part of supporting this journey click here.
The disease we are trying to cure is called Friedreich's Ataxia, or “FA.” It is an aggressive disease with no known cure or treatment. It affects about 4,000 people nationwide, including my 16-year-old daughter, Raena.
In simplest terms, FA is a genetically-linked protein deficiency that attacks nerve and heart cells. Typically, FA patients will require a wheelchair before high school graduation, and suffer from teenage-onset heart disease. Mortality often occurs in their 20’s.
-Dan Brendtro