See A House On The Move In Sioux Falls
You don't see this every day, a house rolling down major Sioux Falls streets. It happened on the morning of December 7, 2021, and I was there to capture the moment. If you didn't get to see this rare moment, take a look through the gallery below.
The house wasn't huge so it was easy to maneuver. (Easy for me to say!) In fact, the house was small enough that the driver was able to squeeze through the stoplights at the intersections. Kudos to that driver!
The whole thing was a production with several police cruisers following ahead and behind the house to alert drivers. There were several large work trucks and several electrician trucks following behind as well. It looked like a parade with the flashing lights from the trucks and police cruisers.
Traffic wasn't too bad at this time of the morning. The SFPD did a good job keeping cars away from the action. One police cruiser drove several blocks ahead of the house to move traffic away from the house. The small dusting of snow on the ground didn't seem to hinder the move.