Restaurant Customer Orders Nothing; Leaves Huge Tip
Large tips at a restaurant aren't a rare thing, especially during the Christmas season. However, employees of an Ohio restaurant received a huge tip with an unusual request.
A customer who called himself 'Billy' walked into Souk Mediterranean Kitchen & Bar and placed an order for take-out. He requested the order - for no food - be rung up for a penny. Then 'Billy' left a $5,600 tip and requested the money be split up among all the employees.
Each of the 28 employees will receive a $200 tip. This will come in handy for these restaurant workers in a time when the state government of Ohio is ramping up more restrictions on businesses due to COVID-19.
Chef Moussa Salloukh wrote in a Facebook post, "What an amazing gesture of kindness to my employees,"
"This is not an ordinary December. Normally this is a month when our employees work extra and guests tip generously. December is a month for them to earn money to buy family gifts, put a bit into savings and take care of bills or repairs that have been lingering," Salloukh wrote.
"With Covid restrictions and guidelines, that was not going to happen for them this year. So this heartfelt generosity was deeply needed and very appreciated," the chef wrote.

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