If you've heard the term ResGen, you may have wondered what it stands for. ResGen is the shortened version of the term Restoration Generation. Founder Tom Henderson's mission began with a quest of bringing hope and encouragement to a generation of young people who had neither.

You might say, it's a resurrection (if you will) of the old Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you") which many people seem to have forgotten, along with personal responsibility, having a conscience and other basic rules of living in the world.

Back then, he probably had no idea how many people he'd be reaching through comedy and honest spiritual communication.

Speaking of the comedy- - Date Night Comedy is coming up Thursday and Friday, February 2 and 3, from 7 to 9 PM at Central Church, 3102 W. Ralph Rogers Road in Sioux Falls.

The other annual event is the ResGen Men's Summit, a one-day living, learning, laughing, conference, which aims to help men grow as leaders, husbands, and fathers. It is on Saturday, February 4, from 8 AM to 1 PM, (same place - -Central Church, different time), and tickets are limited to 1,000 per event, so hurry and get yours.
Once again there is an online option for both events too - - if you'd rather participate from the comfort of your living room couch.

For more information and to purchase tickets, see ResGen online and on Facebook.

A Survival Guide For Your First Winter in South Dakota

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and the rest of the Sioux Empire (AKA southeastern South Dakota) are welcoming thousands of new residents every year.

Many of you new folks will be experiencing your first eastern South Dakota winter. While it doesn't usually get as bad as our Dakota friends up north, I speak from experience when I say it can get a little rough.

So, to help ease you into winter in Sioux Falls and South Dakota here are some winter survival tips:

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