What it means, no one really knows, but several Barnes and Noble bookstores around the country are reporting a huge spike in sales of political books this year.

Titles like Fear and Fire and Fury have led the way in stoking the sales of political books - up 57% compared to last year, at least at Barnes & Noble stores.

The company says in states that voted for Hillary Clinton, customers are buying books not so flattering of President Trump. In red states, it's the opposite.

But there are some notable exceptions. Nevada, Colorado and New Hampshire went for Clinton in 2016, and now customers there are purchasing more pro-Trump books.

Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - on the other hand - went for Trump, but the most popular books sold in those states now are those critical of him and his presidency.

How - or if - all of this will somehow carry over and impact the upcoming mid-term elections next month remains to be seen.

Source: ABC News

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