Parade of Planets Viewable now in Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota
Stargazers around the world are hoping for mostly clear skies over the next month so. We're looking forward to looking up for a better look at the heavens and the Parade of Planets which has already started.
While taking my granddaughter home the other night we were headed West. We talked about Venus which is EASY to see in the Southwest sky, but were wondering what the other stars were. As it turns out, they weren't stars, but they were also planets. as the the alignment falls into place, those are other planets your seeing lining up. Mars and Jupiter and Saturn recently joined the lineup party.
I don't know much about the night sky, but have always had in interest. Growing up in Central South Dakota, the night skies were always a topic of discussion if we were out after dark. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out where the Big Dipper was. But we talked about it. I loved looking up and wondering what it was like 'out there.'
Remember the song Age of Aquarius from The Fifth Dimension? When I was young the song was popular. Check out the opening lines in the song.
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
I don't know nearly enough to explain this alignment, but if you want to take a deeper dive, I do have some resources for you.
As the twilight fades to darkness, look toward the southwestern horizon. There, you’ll spot Venus and Saturn appearing close together. Venus, the brighter of the two, will be unmissable.
Higher in the sky, you’ll find Jupiter, the second brightest speck of light in the night sky after Venus. Jupiter recently passed its opposition, making this one of the best times of the year to observe the gas giant with the naked eye.
How can you tell a planet from a star? First, consider the twinkle. If it's not twinkling, then it's a planet.
I've been watching. I hope you look up over the next few evenings. I think you'll enjoy it too!
Here's a crude photo I took early morning, looking West. Get out, look up! It's on!
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