There may not be many Roy Clark tributes as we learn of his passing on November 15, 2018. He was one of the few big artists I had the privilege to meet during my career in radio.

During the mid-2000’s I was chosen to introduce Roy Clark to the stage for one of his two shows at the Dakota Theatre in Yankton, South Dakota. Leading up to the event, he agreed to an interview. When he talked about music, it was a simple answer as to why he chose it as a profession. “Music consumed me,” as he first picked up an instrument as a youngster whether it be banjo, fiddle or guitar. As the interview continued, he talked about the portion of a hospital that bears his name and why he was dedicated to giving back out of the success he obtained as an entertainer.

Once the day arrived, his Friday night performance capped a week where the area had endured an ice storm and many people had to endure freezing weather without power for a few days. Before taking the stage, he went through his pre-performance routine where his assistant provided two spray bottles. One of them was lubrication for the neck of his guitar. The other was a treatment for his throat and after both treatments were done he exclaimed, “And yes, I have switched around those two before.” By his tone, it was certain that guitar lubrication does terrible things to your voice.

Roy agreed to a picture of us together, which I should have somewhere in the archives as proof of our interaction. Then he went on stage to electrify an adoring crowd.

As we pass through this life, we encounter lots of people. Some blessed with immense amounts of talent and the opportunity to capitalize on the gifts God has given them. I offer sincere condolences to the family and friends of Roy Clark.


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