November’s Supermoon Biggest, Brightest Since 1948
November's full moon will rise in the east at sunset on the 13th and 14th, and should be the biggest and brightest since 1948. Why is that year in the news a lot lately? Oh, right. That's the last time the Cleveland Indians won the World Series.
With that kind of coincidence one would think some heavenly luck would have been on Indians side in 2016.
Not only has the intensity of this full moon shown like this for nearly seventy years, NASA said it won't come this close to earth again until November 25, 2034. That leaves some time to plan for the ultimate supermoon party.
According to those pocket protector types who can calculate such things, the moon will be 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal.
According to, It is the second of three consecutive supermoon full moons for 2016.
At this time, the National Weather Service of Sioux Falls has forecast a partly cloudy night for November 13th, and a clear early morning to November 14th.
Happy mooning!
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