National POW/MIA Day
As part of my job I receive press releases all the time, and have to decide which ones to pass along.
I received a press release last week from Dawrin G. Goodspeed, I knew i would have to pass along after reading the following opening paragraph:
Engraved in the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC are the words, “Freedom is Not Free.” On September 15, the Sioux Falls VA Health Care System and Dakotas VA Regional Office will pay tribute to very elite group of American heroes who fully understand the meaning behind these words – former Prisoners of War.
Take time to honor and remember all POWs National POW/MIA Day was Friday September 15th.
I believe we can take any day out of the year to reflect, and remember.
Included in the press release was an eye opening, and heart reflecting stat I had never seen.
There are currently 9 remaining in South Dakota – four from World War II, four from Korea, and 1 from Vietnam, plus six in our service areas in Iowa and Minnesota.
These are fellow Americans, with names, and families they left behind to answer their call of duty.
God Bless them and their families. And all the men and women who have ever worn the uniform. We thank you and love you.
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