Today I realized how much I rely on my phone. I rarely get calls on my phone, but phones today are more than just to "talk on." Practically everyone I know has a cell phone, therefore a cell phone number. Back in the old days, our minds retained hundreds of phone numbers because we would call them all the time. Now, you click on someone's name in your phone and it dials the number for your. I have NO idea what anyone's cell number is.

I went into panic mode today when I realized my phone was missing. I thought of everything I kept on the phone that could jeopardize my identity and my security. There are things on my phone I should never keep on a cell phone, but for convenience, I do. No more. Today, scared me straight.

Here's what happened:

Today during my lunch break, I went to the gas station and filled up with gas.  I was talking to my mom when I pulled up to the pump and got out of the car. I know you're not supposed to talk on your phone while filling up with gas, so I ended our call and put the phone on my trunk lid.

I started filling the tank. When it was done, I put the gas cap back on, grabbed my receipt and hopped in the car and drove away. I went from 57th and Western to 57th and Louise.  I got the green light at 57th and Louise and turned south, headed to McDonalds at 59th and Louise. I turned onto 59th to get to McDonalds.  As I'm sitting in the drive-thru, I realize I can't find my phone and then it hits me....IT'S ON THE TRUNK!!! I pulled out of line and started to retrace my steps. Luckily, I didn't have to go very far. It was sitting on 59th Street right at the edge of Louise Avenue. Well, of course I just can't stop there and jump out and get it. I had to drive across the street to the gas station and turn around. THEN, I got stuck at the red light and watched TWELVE cars run over my phone...that was in a puddle water. Some would run over it with their front tires...some with their back. It was like I felt every impact as the phone was struck as I sat across the street helpless.

I finally got across the street and pulled over.  I ran back to the intersection and grabbed my broken, wet, muddy phone. I was relieved I found it, but distraught, because I had an idea how much it was going to cost to fix it.

I got back to the radio station and looked it over.  I have a plexiglass screen protector and I was hoping that's all that was broken. I have my phone in an Otterbox and the Otterbox was virtually unscathed. I had high hopes.

This was the phone before being cleaned off and with the plexiglass protector.

Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media
Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media

This is the Otterbox.  There are a few scratches and a small piece is broken, but it is usable.

Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media
Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media

After I took off the plexiglass, this is how my front screen looked. Yes, it's broken pretty bad and lots of tiny glass pieces. It looks like it had been hit by a truck - oh wait, it was...several of them.

Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media
Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media

Here is the back of the phone. It's actually worse than the front. The camera lens is intact and doesn't appear to be broken. The phone was face down on the pavement when I found it.

Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media
Anthony Wright/Townsquare Media

Does it still work?  Amazingly, yes! Unfortunately, the screen doesn't come on, but I'm receiving calls and texts - I just can't see them, or answer them. I was also able to hook it up to my computer and transfer all the photos and files.

Luckily, I never got rid of my Samsung Galaxy S4 and I can use that as a backup until I decide what to do with this phone. I'm guessing it's not going to be cheap to fix, if it's fixable, but new phones are priced out of this world.

Oh, and I just bought the phone in December, so I'm only 3 months into my 2-year contract and an upgrade isn't an option.

I'm taking it to Cell Only tomorrow and hopefully they can give me some options.

Things I've learned from this experience:

  1. Keep a backup of phone numbers ON PAPER somewhere in my purse.
  2. Never keep important documents and passwords stored on your phone.
  3. NEVER leave your cell phone on your trunk.

If you have any ideas how I should fix this or ANY advice, please share with us in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

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