Lawn Watering Restrictions Return to Sioux Falls Area
Now that we've officially reached the blistering hot weather season, it's time once again to start playing the yard watering restrictions game in the Sioux Empire.
Thanks to the scorching hot temps all last week and what appears to be another hot couple of days on the way this week, Sioux Falls and many communities in and around the area are taking the time to remind residents of their city lawn watering programs.
While it's true most of us have received a pretty healthy amount of precipitation in and around the Sioux Falls area as of late, the precipitation picture can change quite rapidly once you string a few searing hot days together in a row.
Yards can really start to brown up fast! That's why it's important to be familiar with the lawn watering ordinance in your city, so you don't get caught watering on a day you're not supposed to.
Failure to follow your communities water management program could result in a heavy fine if you're not careful.
According to Dakota News Now, in Sioux Falls, as well as the cities of Tea, and Brandon, even-numbered addresses may water lawns on even-numbered calendar dates, and properties with odd-numbered addresses may water lawns on odd-numbered calendar dates.
A city like Harrisburg chooses to use a different type of system. They follow a time restriction plan that doesn't allow their residents to water during the afternoon hours.
As Derek Haffner, the owner of Green 4 Ever, a Sioux Falls lawn care service, told Dakota News Now, these types of watering restriction plans fall well within the boundaries of maintaining healthy grass throughout the summer season.
Water conservation during the summer months is often necessary. That's why it's important to always adhere to your communities lawn watering plan to help prevent further restrictions from being enacted throughout the season.
"In an effort to utilize our water resources in an efficient manner, the City of Sioux Falls has established a year-round lawn watering schedule. City ordinance #50 – #52 established an odd/even policy and prohibits noon to 5 p.m. watering every day. It also determines how we move between stages of lawn watering guidelines." <a href="" target="_blank">Sioux Falls Lawn Watering Program</a>
What are Sioux Falls Lawn Watering Rules?
Should Mother Nature decide to turn off her water spigot as the hot summer months progress and further lawn watering restrictions need to be imposed, individual communities plan to update residents on their revised lawn watering programs at the following sites:
Sioux Falls residents can get info about Sioux Falls' lawn watering schedule here.
Brandon's water management plan can be found here.
Tea residents can obtain that info here.
And if you live in Harrisburg, you can get your current lawn watering restriction information here.
Source: Dakota News Now
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