Lace Up Your Running Shoes For Sioux Falls Skedaddle Run
Are you ready for Spring? Are you ready to Skedaddle? Get ready to take it to the streets of Sioux Falls for 13.1 miles of running.
There are plenty of reasons to put the April 28th 2019 Skedaddle run on the upcoming calendar.
For people needing to check completing a longer run off the bucket list the 2019 Skedaddle run could be your opportunity to finally check it off.
New Years resolution are made and often fade quickly. If running more and getting in more exercise is a goal for the new year put the Skedaddle run on the calendar for motivation.
I've found having an upcoming event on the calendar helps me get off the couch and lacing up the shoes on the days I'd rather skip a workout.
For more on the Skedaddle run and details on how to register check out the Sioux Falls Skedaddle website.