Jackley Challenges Noem to Sign Clean Campaign Pledge
Attorney General Marty Jackley has extended an invitation to Congresswoman Kristi Noem to sign a clean campaign pledge as they both eye the position of Governor of South Dakota.
“The congresswoman and I both love South Dakota, and I believe this campaign for governor should be about our experience and vision to move our state forward instead of mudslinging and name-calling," said Jackley.
According to a statement from Jackley's campaign office the pledge will ensure their campaigns will be positive and factual. Others may see the action as a political tactic.
The Associated Press reports that the pledge "would require the candidates to promise to conduct a factual and honest campaign. The document also includes a pledge that the candidates won’t engage in or condone negative or misleading attacks against the other, among other provisions."
Jackley's office sent the document digitally and via U.S. mail on Tuesday (October 17).
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