Remember the storm that hit Minnesota and Iowa the other day?  The wind was blowing so much that it was tough to know how much snow ended up falling in my yard.  Houston, Minnesota received 6.8 inches and although the amount wasn't as high in Rochester, it was still about 4 inches in my driveway.

As Minnesotans started pulling out their heavy-duty gloves, boots, and winter gear to clear out their driveway, a few individuals stepped up to provide a heartwarming act of kindness for a resident in need at a time when he needed it most.

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Heartwarming Act of Kindness For Minnesota Resident During Latest Storm

While most of Southeast Minnesota was firing up their snowblowers, one Rochester, Minnesota resident was on his way to St. Mary's due to a medical situation.  What happened next by the Rochester Police Department is a moment that wasn't required but shows that kindness and love always win.

TJ Leverentz/TSM
TJ Leverentz/TSM

During yesterday's wintry weather, RPD responded to a medical call involving an elderly veteran. After the man was transported to St. Marys for care, officers shoveled his driveway.
When we talk about policing with our heart, *this* is what we mean.

- City of Rochester, MN Police Department Facebook Page


Thank you for taking that extra step and spending those minutes in the cold to help out this Rochester resident!

Snow Shoveling
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Did You Know That You Only Have 24 Hours To Clear The Snow Off Of Sidewalks in Rochester, Minnesota?

Quite a few towns have rules in place that indicate how many hours the snow must be cleared from sidewalks.  The City of Rochester has a cute little saying on its website that says, "When snow is here, you have 24-hours to clear".  They even have some pretty specific Do's and Dont's listed on their website that residents are to follow.


  • Remove snow and ice from sidewalks and intersection handicap ramps abutting your property within 24-hours of snowfall ending.
  • Clear snow the width of the sidewalk. Remember that sidewalks are used by strollers and wheelchairs in the winter.
  • Remove ice to bare pavement or make as level as possible and treat with sand, sawdust or similar material.
  • Clear any snow that may be blocking a handicapped ramp, fire hydrant or catch basin.


  • Shovel or plow snow into the street: Violators caught shoveling snow from private property into the street will be fined.
  • Overexert yourself while shoveling: Excessive strain from the cold and hard labor may cause heart attacks.

Learn more about the rules in place for snow removal, fines that are possible, and how to request to receive help with shoveling at the City of Rochester, Minnesota website.

Over 25 Rochester, Minnesota Businesses and Restaurants That Closed in 2023

2023 was another year of final goodbyes for several businesses and restaurants in Rochester, Minnesota.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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