We are so lucky here in Sioux Falls that we have access to a world-class zoo. But not every person or school kid in our surrounding communities has that opportunity. That is why the Great Plains Zoo's ZooMobile is so important.

Since 2016, when ZooMobile visits began, zoo educators have traveled 26,986 miles and seen 26,034 students – including 1,037 kids already in 2023!

Now with the help of Sammons Financial Group, the ZooMobile has a brand new look:

The new vehicle wrap features a wide variety of animals, including Oscar the parrot, Oliver the red panda, and Archimedes the great horned owl. It was designed by Patty Solis of Sioux Falls. - -Denise DePaolo/Great Plains Zoo & Delbridge Museum Director of Marketing

Great Plain Zoo and Butterfly House & Aquarium Education Director Leigh Spencer commented on the importance of reaching children in areas outside of Sioux Falls,

Many of the schools that we visit through this program would not otherwise be able to provide a zoo field trip or ZooMobile visit for their students. The kids are always so excited and the teachers are so appreciative. Learning experiences that include live animals are memorable and valuable..."

You can find out where the newly updated ZooMobile will be next by going to the Great Plains Zoo online and on Facebook.

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