It's not uncommon for someone to see a UFO, UAP or whatever you want to call something in the sky you can't identify. However, it's not every day that you have hundreds of people see the same object which is what has just happened over St. Louis, Missouri where many say they saw a huge boomerang-shaped object and there's video to prove it, too.

I saw this report which was just shared a few days ago on the National UFO Reporting Center website. According to the report, this happened the night of December 3, 2024 over Richmond Heights, Missouri. It says "Chevron or boomerang shaped UAP seen flying over St. Louis suburb, sighting corroborated by other reports recently."

They're not kidding about the corroborated reports either. There's a thread on the UFO sub-Reddit about this object including video.

My friend just captured this over NYC 12/13/24
byu/dis_rup_tor inUFOs

This is the object you can see beginning to the west of the moon in the sky and eventually passing across.

Many report seeing huge boomerang-shaped object over St. Louis, Missouri
dis_rup_tor via Reddit

This Missouri UFO report is so specific, they even gave exact GPS location information about where they saw it from.

Google Maps
Google Maps

If you look at the video share on Reddit, you'll see many in the St. Louis area that saw this odd boomerang-shaped object.

Let me propose at least one conventional explanation. Considering how active the B-2 Spirit stealth bombers are at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, you have to at least consider that one of these aircraft COULD be what those in St. Louis are seeing. It's more or less boomerang-shaped. No, in my judgement, that's not what this object is, but it is dark so it's a possibility.

I think that an object seen by so many deserves some extra attention. Let's hope this helps making more aware of it so someone can come up with some additional information about what was spotted over Richmond Heights, Missouri.

Inside Abandoned Old Famous Barr Building in St. Louis, Missouri

Gallery Credit: Art of Exploration via YouTube