60 Second Video: How Does the Voice Inside Your Head Sound?
I was embracing one of the first warm weekends in the Midwest of 2018 and had a great reminder walking by a playground on my way to a farmers market.
As I walked by the playground equipment I watched the kids taking in all the outdoor air they could it was like they hadn't seen the sun in years.
I over heard a a mom do what all parents have to do while watching kids play which is remind them to tone back the fighting.
For some reason kids playing is exactly like adults working or playing together, eventually it often leads to a verbal or physical back and forth.
One of the kids was getting a little hands on while trying to cut in line for the slide.
The mom said to the kids: Hey remember to be nice to each other and play nice together.
For some reason overhearing the scolding from the mom triggered a lesson a friend of tried to teach me once on the importance of self talk.
Hopefully the sixty second video above can give you a little more peace or joy to take with you through your day.
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