Win Tickets to See Thomas Rhett in Sioux Falls
Win a four-pack of tickets to see Country Music Star Thomas Rhett at The Denny Sanford Premier Center.
At Kickin' Country we appreciate you listening and we would LOVE it if you could take a few minutes to give us your opinion on the music we play. We'd love for you to take part in our survey. It doesn't take long to do. You click this link sign up and listen to some short segments of songs. Let us know if you like them, or if you don't. Just make sure when you enter, you enter Code A10 when you take the survey!
Wednesday, September 7th we will draw one lucky winner from the list of people who take the survey to win the tickets!
If you take the time to register and help us rate the songs we play we'll automatically put you in a drawing for a four-pack of tickets to see Thomas Rhett's concert on October 1st at The Denny Sanford Premier Center.
You can leave and return to the survey at any time. It will automatically pick up
where you left off. Make sure you enter Code A10 when you take the short survey. That's important. That code will ensure they know you are listening here in Kickin' Country. Here's where you go to help us pick the music! Remember the code A10.
And thanks!