Great Bear to Close Thursday and Friday
If you were hoping to hit the slopes or spin around in a tube while careening downhill, you'll have to wait a couple of days to do it.
Great Bear Ski Valley announced Wednesday that they will be closed on January 14 and January 15 due to the inclement weather coming. Primarily the stiff wind that will accompany slightly cooler temperatures along with the snow.
Great Bear will reopen on Saturday with regular hours.
The National Weather Service has issued a high wind warning for Thursday for twelve hours starting at noon. There is also a blizzard warning in effect from 6:00 pm Thursday, January 14 to 6:00 pm Friday, January 15.
The weather the rest of the weekend looks reasonably good for doing things outside with the exception that it will be cloudy. Highs are predicted right around 28-32 degrees. That's my favorite temps to be outside in the winter, as long as the icy South Dakota wind isn't blowing. That temperature range is so perfect because it is cold enough to keep the ice and snow frozen while doing the activities that require it. It doesn't get messy and wet so you get increasingly damp snow pants throughout the day. And, selfishly, I like it cloudy because my eyes are really sensitive to bright light and glare which can give me awful migraines. It does make skiing a little tougher when there are flat light and bumps and ruts disappear into the white camouflage, but then I only get a temporary headache from falling down.

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