If you're looking for a giant time-suck, there is a great one on the Internet you may not have heard of.

This morning I discovered Google Feud. It is a really simple game that is half Family Feud and half Google auto-complete. But, instead of a question like Family Feud, Google Feud gives you the first few words of a common search and asks you to finish it.

When you get an answer right it shows it to you on the board ranked at how popular it is. If you get it wrong you get to see the familiar red X for a strike from Family Feud.

I proved to myself that I am not very good at this game, but I couldn't stop playing it anyway. I usually got no more than two or three correct, and much of the time I got one or no correct answers.

The question for this one was "should I stop" and I got none of them right. Correct answers show up bold.

Google Feud 1 Should I Stop


The search for this one started with "Coconut." I did better this time getting oil and water right.

Google Feud 2 Coconut

I also got two right on "i want to be a."

Google Feud 3 I Want to Be a

If you can play this for five minutes and walk away I envy you. I have to close my laptop and go for a walk to quit.

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