Former South Dakota DJ Still ‘Making Noise’
Many of you know Travis Jacobs as 'Trav.' Trav spent much of his career working in morning radio here in the Sioux Falls Market and most recently a stint doing Mid-Days. Since then, he's retired from the on-air side of broadcasting but has taken his skill set to a different arena. Writing. A direct derivative of his writing, perhaps unintended, is helping people.
If you follow Trav on his Facebook Page, and I suggest you do, you might have also caught a picture of a tattoo that he has on his arm. The tattoo's that Trav has told a story, and the one of a camel is no exception. I talked with Trav and he explained the camel and the tattoo's meaning.
If you follow Trav on his Facebook page you see that he recently celebrated 16 years of sobriety. One of the byproducts, another project. His latest is called Make Noise. We chatted on the phone and talked about sobriety and how this project evolved. I encourage you to take a few minutes and listen to the conversation we recently had and how Making Noise, is important. For everyone!
Download a copy of Make Noise today. Thank you for sharing this story with your Facebook and Twitter friends