Fairy Beard Lights Just in Time for the Holidays
On the heels of No Shave November guys are looking extra grizzly prepared for the cold with their God given winter face warmers.
Once your beard makes it to a certain level you are going to need to break out some beard balm and possibly a trim here or there.
After hanging the stockings by the chimney with care you can now decorate your facial hair!
The increase of beard popularity doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon with the constant addition of beard products and even contests.
I am not sure who was sitting around when inspiration struck them to design a festive ways to light up your face.
It seems you can find anything and everything you need and didn't know you needed online.
Let me introduce you and your beard to the next level of holiday decorating and after you hang the lights on the tree and house don't forget your face.
You can find some of the latest in face decorating here.