You know how they tell you to check your credit report often? And when you do you more than likely check Equifax.

CNET is reporting that a "Massive Cyber Security Incident" at Equifax may affect 143 million people in the United States. That is about 1/2 the U.S. population.

The breach was discovered on July 29 and includes social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and perhaps driver's license numbers.

And to make things even more troubling three top executives at Equifax sold their shares of stock in the company just days after the breach was discovered and weeks before the breach was made public.

And even if you have not given your personal information to Equifax it is very likely that they may have your data anyway. Because they are a credit reporting agency they get your personal and financial information from credit card companies, banks, lenders, and anywhere that you may have a financial foot print.

The FBI is investigating this cyber attack.  If you want to find out ways to protect yourself check out this info at CNET.

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