Coming Soon to a School Bus near You [Maybe] – Seat Belts That Actually Work
School bus safety is taking center stage with The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The group is proposing tougher safety measures for all new school buses.
The safety board is recommending that "all newly built large school buses be equipped with lap and shoulder seat belts."
The board is also recommending automatic emergency brakes be standard on all new school buses - but none of the recommendations are binding.
Currently, only eight states require seat belts on larger school buses while more than half of the states have introduced some type of school bus seat belt legislation.
The recommendations are part of a report regarding two deadly school bus accidents back in 2016.
You may remember it was also just last week that a New Jersey school bus collided with a dump truck killing one student as well as a teacher.
The new recommendations are much stronger than the board's recommendations made back in 2013 in which states were "encouraged" to consider seat belts.
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