City of Sioux Falls Ask Local Artists To Paint For A Purpose
With everything happening in the world right now, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and uneasy at times. The fear of the unknown can even lead individuals to forget other important aspects of life such as the beauty of nature.
Since 2016, the City of Sioux Falls has been educating the community about protecting its water systems through the "Storm Inlet Painting Project." According to the city, this project is meant "to draw attention to the storm drainage system and to bring awareness to potential pollutants such as litter and debris that may enter the system." These murals will hopefully inspire residents to think twice about littering and how waste can affect the city's water system.
To provide insight about how this environmental concern affects our city, Environmental Analyst for the City of Sioux Falls Colin Chatterton explains, "Water that flows down the storm drains leads directly to the Big Sioux River, Skunk Creek, or other smaller local waterways without much treatment. As the stormwater washes over the pavement, it carries with it everything the water picks up."
Part of this initiative involves calling upon local artists to create a design and paint a mural on the storm drains. Individuals and organizations have until Monday, June 29th to submit a design proposal by 5 PM. The designs should carry a message about how people can protect our quality of water. The City of Sioux Falls and the Sioux Falls Visual Arts Commission will select only six winners. Each of the winners will receive $200 compensation for the design and painting.
"Storm Inlet Painting Project" currently has 20 storm drain inlets that have been painted by artists and organizations in the downtown area.
For more information on how to enter the contest, click here!