California Girl Moves To Iowa Says ‘Like, It’s Crazy Different’!
This native California girl recently moved to Iowa and just can't believe what it's like. Check out her surprising video.
In her video posted on TikTok Katie Bishop exclaims “I just moved to Iowa after living my entire life in California and it’s crazy different”!
Shell Bee: Girl...just wait for the state fair!
Iowa Chill: Welcome to paradise!
Abigail: Please don't announce this...it'll make it overpopulated out here too!
Travisfink: Hey, don't spread too many u of our secrets...we like our low numbers!
Caleb Neu: As an Iowan, it is such a underrated state! Cheap living, lower but not crazy small populations, land, no traffic… You get the point
Some other TikTok commenters took a negative spin...
user49: Moved to Iowa from Colorado! Couldn’t take it anymore and went to Montana. Iowa is about 10 years behind the rest of the country.
Fullmetal: Just don’t bring CA to Iowa.
Krista Davis: I live in the Midwest and it’s not that “nice”.
Ryan Patrick Flaherty: Welcome to Iowa! Hope you brought something to do.
If you've never experienced Iowa this dialogue from the movie Field Of Dreams might give you some perspective...
John Kinsella: Is this heaven?
Ray Kinsella: It's Iowa.
John Kinsella: Iowa? I could have sworn this was heaven.
Unbelievable $12 Million Iowa Home Has It's Own Irish Pub Inside