The 2nd annual Bulls and Broncs Rodeo returns to the Fairgrounds February 8TH and 9TH. The event will once again feature some of the areas best rodeo athletes, however the real superstars of Bulls and Broncs will once again be the rough stock supplied by Korkow Rodeos. If you watched any of the National Finals Rodeo recently from Las Vegas you are already familair with the name. Korkow's will be bringing in some great equine and bovine athletes to challenge the riders. According to Korkow;

Third generation rodeo producer and stock contractor, Korkow Rodeos LLC,has been producing rodeos for over 60 years. Pierre, South Dakota, has been home to the Korkow family since the 1920s. Over 90% of Korkow bucking stock is raised at their 20,000 acre ranch, the Anchor K, nestled in the rolling hills of the Missouri River.

You can save $5 per ticket to the event by stopping into Campbell's with locations in Sioux Falls, Mitchell and Rock Rapids  [Adults $15, Children $5]

Don't miss the 2nd Annual Bulls and Broncs Rodeo at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds in Sioux Falls [7:30 PM] February 8TH and 9TH. Listen to Kickin' 100.5 to win tickets to the event.

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