2018 has already been a busy year at the ballot box. And it's far from over. This spring Sioux Falls elected a new mayor, and this fall South Dakota will choose a new governor. Many state offices will also be up for election. And the big show this year will be the federal mid-term congressional elections.

Right now is a good time to make sure you are registered to vote, and that your info is up to date. Check your voter registration information HERE.


Among the state government positions up for election this year are governor, county commissioners, county sheriffs, and 105 state legislators.

In the June primaries we chose the final candidates for South Dakota's member of the US House of Representatives and governor.

A new election date has been added to our fall lineup in Sioux Falls. The Sioux Falls school board has scheduled a special election for a bond referendum vote on September 18, 2018. As KSFY-TV reports, the school district needs the people of Sioux Falls to approve a $190 million bond to add three schools and make improvements and upgrades to other schools in town.

The Big Show

In November, we the people will be making our final decisions. We'll choose the people that fill those positions and vote of several ballot initiatives (new laws).

  • Voter Registration Deadline: October 22, 2018  (you must be registered by this date to vote)
  • Absentee/Early Voting begins: September 21, 2018
  • South Dakota's 2018 General Election: November 6, 2018

To vote you need to be registered. Whether it's a big presidential election, the congressional midterms or your local city council, now is a great time to do it. If you are a first time voter, 18 years-old or older, or if you're new to South Dakota and need to update your stuff, here's what to do. Plus, it's always a good idea to double check your information and make sure you are still on the list.

Remember it is always free to vote and to registerNo matter your name, the state you once lived in, your address or whatever.

t's a quick and easy process to register to vote in South Dakota. To register, change your address or party affiliation: you can print and fill out this form and take it to your county auditor at your county courthouse (In Sioux Falls it's the office in the same hall as where you renew your plates). You can also register at these locations:

  • City finance office
  • Driver's license station
  • Public assistance agencies providing food stamps, TANF or WIC
  • Department of Human Services offices which provide assistance to the disabled
  • Military recruitment offices

Take the time now to get registered to vote. If you need to update your registration do it now. Be ready when it's our time to make our voices heard.

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