“Avoid” Traveling To This Minnesota City “At All Costs”
The holiday travel season is on the way and there is one Minnesota city that "Americans should avoid at all costs." That is according to a new survey by the travel website The Vacationer.
34 cities were ranked in the survey as "places to avoid at all costs." The only Minnesota city on the list is Minneapolis which came in at number 24 with 10.12% of respondents mentioning the city should be skipped.
The survey didn't break down specific reasons why people should avoid Minneapolis "at all costs." Maybe the uptick in crime in recent years is still on people's minds or it could be navigating Twin Cities traffic that frightens visitors. Perhaps some of the people are Packers fans and couldn't step foot on "enemy ground."
Rounding out the top ten cities that should be avoided "at all costs":
#10 (tie) - Dallas, TX and Jacksonville, FL
#9 - Miami, FL
#8 - Austin, TX
#7 - San Francisco, CA
#6 - Anaheim, CA
#5 - Baltimore, MD
#4 - New York City
#3 - Atlanta, GA
#2 - Chicago, IL
#1 - Detroit, MI
26.62% of respondents said they would have no problem traveling to any city in the US. Of those surveyed, 46.76% were male and 53.24% were female. The survey has a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of ±3.134%.