John Gossom
Column: When the Weather is the News
Last week’s extreme weather event and the resulting power outage raise some interesting questions about the role of the media in general, and talk radio in particular, in such situations.
South Dakota Seeing a Shortage of Lawyers
Some people might not believe that such a thing is even possible, but rural South Dakota is experiencing a lawyer shortage.
Column: Tuition Hikes Leave College Grads Economically Vulnerable
The South Dakota Board of Regents has approved a tuition and fees hike of 4.4%, which will amount to about $335 in increased costs for students in the state’s public universities. This brings the average cost for an in-state student with a full course load to $7,900 a year.
Column: Walmart’s Record is Worrisome
On Tuesday, Sioux Falls’ City Council ignored the outcry of area residents and voted to annex the land on which Wal-Mart has set its sights. By the time you read this, it is very likely that the planning commission will have also disregarded the concerns of Wal-Mart’s future neighbors and voted to rezone the land as commercial.
Column: State Legislature Should Be Full-Time
PIERRE - There are few things more maligned than the professional politician. They are just about as popular as cockroaches, but unlike the unwelcome insects, full-time legislators would actually do the state of South Dakota some good.
Column: Johnson Retirement Could Spell Trouble for Democrats
PIERRE - In order to take control of the Senate, Republicans would need to pick up 6 seats. This opening represents a prime opportunity for them to gain one, as there is not a Democratic heir apparent in this deeply red state.
Column: Brewing Debt Ceiling Fight is Comically Tragic
PIERRE - Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner has signaled that he intends to force the President to agree to more spending cuts when next the debt ceiling needs to be raised, which should occur in May.
Column: Like Communication, A Little Zoning Goes a Long Way
It isn’t something that occurs to most of us very often, but there are few government actions that have the immediate power of a zoning decision.
Column: Desperate but Not Serious
PIERRE - South Dakota ranks 12th in per capita income and lottery tickets are selling fast. These things are not unrelated, but you have to look beyond the surface to see why.
Column: When Green and Blue Collide
WASHINGTON - The proposed extension of the Keystone XL pipeline has divided the political left.